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Major Research Areas:

1. Novel and emerging infectious diseases, and microbial genomics
Discovery and genomic characterisation of novel and emerging pathogens and pathogenic forms, including coronaviruses, influenza virus and other novel viruses and bacteria, through a range of molecular techniques, immunological techniques, animal models, and bioinformatics tools, to win new insights in microbial genomics, and potential diagnostic, therapeutic and vaccine targets.
2. Novel and emerging antibiotic resistance
Antibiotic resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae, enterococci, Staphylococcus aureus, Gram negative, non-fermentors, and enterobacteriaceae, including epidemiology and genomics of resistant bacteria, resistant gene ecology, mechanisms of resistance, clinical relevance, novel methods for diagnosis of difficult-to-detect resistance and evaluation of new antibiotics; novel or emerging beta-lactamases in Gram negative bacteria.
3. Respiratory Pathogens Including Influenza Viruses
Research areas focus on application of cutting edge technologies in cellular and molecular biology and reverse genetics to study virus host interaction, in particular on host restriction of influenza virus replication, molecular basis for cross species transmission of influenza A viruses, and aberrant cellular signaling associated with viral pathogenesis of severe influenza and EBV associated tumors
4. Microbial pathogenesis
Molecular epidemiology and pathogenesis of enteric pathogens, including Vibrio cholerae and E. coli O157:H7, in relation to public health and environmental hazards; drug resistance mechanism of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1).
5. Molecular studies of emerging pathogens
Application of chemical genetics and conventional genetic approaches (including cloning, site-directed deletions) to dissect microbial pathogenesis and identify microbial targets of important diagnostic and therapeutic value. Determination of the structures and functions of identified microbial targets using bioinformatics, molecular modelling, NMR spectroscopy, x-ray crystallography and other biophysical methods. Development of computational and experimental methods for efficient drug screening and design
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